Keep in mind that there are bonuses for winning attacks while in a league. I am the leader with 2 TH14s which are both active. Mercenaries(TAG #9CYL2UP0) is a 6+ year old level 22 war clan in Champion League III with a second family clan Mercs2.0(TAG #28YQJQ8UY) which is in Master League I. For example, if at the end of a Legend League season, a player finishes with 5100 trophies, they get reset back to 5000 trophies and earn 100 Legend Trophies.Town Hall 2: Again, isn’t very important you just want to keep progressing in Clash of Clans. At the end of a Legend League season, all players in the Legend League will have their trophies reduced to 5000, however they acquire prestigious Legend Trophies to make up for the Trophies that they lose – purple Trophies that will be permanent in their profile.When entered in the Legend league, each league lasts one month.The remaining time will be shown below your league level. You can check to see how much longer the current league season will last by clicking on the trophy icon at the top left of the main screen.
If you don’t keep playing, you don’t get to keep your badge!
You will demote to a lower level if you go under a certain limit. You promote to a higher league if you met a certain trophy limit. You will join a league automatically when you attack another player, at the end of the first attack you will be placed in the appropriate league.